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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  December 4, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PST

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they are usually traditional, and the bookies' favorites right now are george and anne. and it's not just baby names. there's already speculation about what kate will wear while preg nantd. there hasn't been this much attention on a royal pregnancy since princess diana. rob and paula? >> congratulations, kate, william. while we are speaking of little ones. it is never too early to start looking for the next great olympic swimmers. think michael phelps and missy frankl franklin. here they are. williams -- >> the nine months olds are ordinarily relaxed in the water and swing a full length of the pool unassisted, no floaties, nothing except their swim diapers. >> wow. >> amazing. >> dad says since they were born in this olympic year. maybe it will keep swimming to the games in 2028. one stroke at a time, dad. calm down. but i've never seen a baby that
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young without any protection at all, just going. >> i have seen classes, infant swim. they teach the kids to flip over, especially in states where they have outdoor pools. florida, arizona, they teach them if they flip on their backs and cry for help. >> never seen that. >> 9 months old. >> i have never seen swim. this class teaches them to tread. >> swim better than willis. that is amazing. >> you got that right! coming up, you cannot see, feel, or smell, a dangerous lesson for a school in atlanta. and an eye-opening experiment about sleep deprivation. behind the wheel after our colleague stayed up for 36 hours straight. it's coming up on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no!no! hair removal. the new color changing candle from air wick,
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brings light and fragrance together,
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to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick. until they see this. the oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the pro-health clinical brush from oral-b.
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welcome back, everyone. school safety rules are under the microscope this morning after a scare at an atlanta welcome back, everyone. school safety rules are under the microscope this morning after a scare at an atlanta elementary school. 42 students and seven adults rushed to the hospital and 500 people were evacuated all because of potential deadly levels of carbon monoxide.
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now the school had no carbon monoxide detectors. >> carbon monoxide, settles lower on the ground. the shorter you are, the more susceptible you are to getting poisoning. >> interesting. i did not know that it settled low. half of states require them in residential buildings. only connecticut requires them in public and private schools. the atlanta like started in a boiler. >> time to follow connecticut's lead. >> mm-hmm. trader joe's is now recalling thousand of pound of frozen chicken. the store's frozen butter chicken with basmati rice meals may be tainted with listeria. dangerous bacteria. more than 4,000 pound may be at risk. look for 12 1/2 ounce boxes with you see on the screen 30512.
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make sure you return it for a refund. and 'tis the season to trim the trees and heed to the fire dangers we can face. firefighters in des moines showed how quickly your christmas tree and your entire home can go up in flames. the demonstration shows what could happen itch a live tree is not watered every single day. i am a big fan of the plastic trees. i don't tend to have this problem, but you like live trees. >> i like live trees. >> you have to water them every day. >> i water them every other day. >> because you're on fire. >> didn't notice that. >> instead of girl on fire. boy on fire. >> looks like willis' apartment. we'll be back with more. stay with us.
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well, if you're up with us at this hour, you probably know how it feels to be sleep deprived. >> nearly all of us who didn't get enough, thought we were more awake than we were. abc's ron claiborne took part in that experiment.
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>> reporter: my eyes are open, but what you can't tell in this experiment is i am actually asleep. every day, 250,000 americans fall asleep while driving. like this woman who was videotaped seemingly nodding off at the wheel in denver. sleep-deprived drivers are blamed for thousands of crashes every year, but many times it's not that obvious. scientists say there is something called microsleep. where you can fall asleep for just a few seconds without realizing it, sometimes with your eyes open. hi, i'm ron claiborne. we traveled to liberty mutual research institute outside of boston where they study microsleep. >> a very brief transition from wakefulness new sleep. it can last up to 20, 30 seconds.
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you are waking. you are asleep. >> i would drive while sleep deprived. to mimic conditions of people who do not get enough sleep. i stayed up all night. >> i have been up 24 hours. >> at the lab i was looked up to a brain wave monitor. i thought i could handle the driving. i feel okay now. then i got behind the wheel of a minivan on a fast track. right here my eyes are open. i am asleep. here too. this is what my crow sleeping can look like. at one point i did doze off. finally -- >> yeah, i'm done. >> i knew i dozed off of a couple times, but what was stunning is i had actually microslept 22 times and never knew it. what was going on inside my brain? >> evidence that you are falling asleep. >> my eyes were open. see how much the lines are becoming more jags. these lines show blinking is getting slower. if i had been driving 60 miles an hour, i would have gone the length of the football field asleep. >> i was in a real twilight zone the entire time, and it was
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scary. some people ask what about caffeine or red bull? coffee, it will work, but only for a little while. it is not an antidote to the drive to go to sleep. if you are feeling tired, do not get into a car. do not try to outrace your fatigue. if you are already in a car and feel tired, pull off the road and tape a nap. that is the only solution to this problem. it is a very big problem. ron claiborne, abc new, new york. >> can we pull off and take a snap? >> pull off tomorrow and take a snap. good advice. >> see you, everybody. we will be right back if we are awake. that really meets your needs a plan and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it.
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call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you.
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try these. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. not just a sensation, sensational relief. ♪ she is going to let it burn baby burn baby ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire this girl is on fire ♪ ♪ she's walking on fire this girl is on fire ♪
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ah, my ex-wife alicia, she sounded good. >> she needs to change that to this guy is on fire. >> love her. >> so is willis. you both are on fire tonight. i am going to have to both douse you with flames, douse you with water, something. well, when you're a royal, there are lots of rules. first if you're the wife of a prince, you've got to get knocked up. >> that is only the beginning. abc's nick watt explains. >> reporter: kate has broken one rule, royal bride are supposed to be pregnant within a year of the wedding. the role of the princess mum is not easy. diana tried to tear up the rule book. william first heir ever born in the hospital not a palace. diana the first royal mum to dare complain of morning sickness, also to fall asleep in public when her pregnancy was still a secret. traditionally royals didn't actually see much of their kids, but not diana. >> she wanted to be as present
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for her children as she possibly could. >> reporter: there were royal rules die ana could not shake. apparently william was induced so the birth didn't interrupt prince charles' polo schedule. the queen, diana's not own mom was her first visitor. the name traditional of course. bookie's favorites right now for kate and william's first born are george and ann. and time of the are cane and downright barbaric, 500 years ago, henry the eighth execute aid wife who failed to produce a male heir. and it's been nearly a hundred years since government officials had to be present at a royal birth to be sure the baby was not an imposter. >> the duty of the wife of the future king is to provide an heir and hopefully a spare. >> reporter: and now it's time for the next generation. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> that's going to bring us to the topic of this morning effacebook question. we want to know -- >> -- what would you name the
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royal baby? why? log on to our facebook page, to let us know what you think. >> what do you think? have any idea? >> no. >> willis. >> will ills. name that baby willis. >> oh, lord. >> that would be a good start, yes. prince willis [ baby crying ] >> if it's a girl, willisandra. >> or something. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices
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and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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this morning on "world news now" -- flu alert. this morning on "world news now" -- flu alert. federal health experts are warning the flu season is off to an early start and it could be a bad one. already doctors are seeing a cluster of cases in five southern states. it is tuesday, december 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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>> is it tuesday? it is tuesday. >> we just said it. i already forgot. >> it's the sleep deprivation, it's oklahoma. >> it is. good tuesday morning. i'm paula faris. >> i'm rob nelson. it's been ten years since we have seen a flu season start quite this early and this strong. we will get to that coming up in a moment. you were sick. i was under the weather two weeks ago. here we go. >> i think it's the building though. i don't think it has anything do with the flu. >> all this asbestos. the latest from london. while kate middleton is being treated, of course, in the hospital, the months of baby-guessing games and anticipation are well under way. >> when we say months, we're talking about months. she is not through her first trimester. we are probably looking at another eight months of
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guessing. >> abc will be there every step of the way, every contraction, every hemorrhoid count on us. we'll be there. >> can't wait until they send you to london. >> no, they will not. then the mayor trying to make it on $4 of food stamps a day and make an important point. newark's cory booker, rising to the food stamp challenge. only so many ramen noodles one can eat. >> wait till you hear the figure he is supposed to live off for the week. an idea what some of the nation's poor folks have to endure. a very important point he is trying to make with the experiment starting to day. and later in the show, guess who's after lindsay lohan now. not the police for once. it's the feds. find out what they're looking for. that's coming up in "the skinny." and yet another positive headline for the actress. >> another low for lilo. >> uh-huh. first, a warning from public health experts about the flu. the season off to its earliest start in nearly a decade. >> the primary strain now circulating tend to make people sicker. here is abc's chief medical editor dr. robert besser. >> reporter: you may get something you don't want for christmas, a nasty flu.
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the cdc announced flu season which usually begins in january is already coughing and aching its way across america. the earliest flu season in a decade. >> the strain of flu that's most common so far this year, h3n2 has been associated with more severe flu seasons and more young and very old people getting severely ill. >> reporter: five states -- tennessee, mississippi, alabama, louisiana and texas have widespread flu. missouri and georgia aren't far behind. more people with fever, body aches, sore throat, nasal congestion and headache. but there is good news. this year's flu vaccine is a good match to fight this year's bug, which means you should be getting something else for christmas a little early. a flu vaccine. dr. richard besser, abc news, new york. >> not bad advice. thank you, dr. besser. we also have an update now on the leukemia patient taken by her mother from a hospital in arizona. security video last week showed her mother leading her out of that hospital in phoenix, and
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now we've learned overnight the girl's father was questioned by border patrol agents on saturday, but they say he provided no information. he also denied being involved in taking the girl from her hospital bed. doctors say the 11-year-old girl could die if she's not returned to the hospital soon. and now in london, a pregnant kate middleton, the duchess of cambridge, is hospitalized for a second day and treated for a rare and extreme form of morning sickness. lama hasan has the latest from london. >> reporter: the last time the world saw kate middleton was on friday, a picture of health, playing field hockey. now we learn the duchess of cambridge is pregnant and hospitalized for a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. the palace saying as the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for
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several days and will require a period of rest thereafter. hg is a severe form of morning sickness that debilitates 2% of expeck tant mothers, caution vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration. kate is likely less than 12 weeks pregnant. in most cases the condition will ease after 16 week. doctors say h.g. can also give a hintd about the baby. stoil s studies show mothers that experience it have slightly higher odds of carrying a girl or twins. and if there are twins and there needs to be a c-section, doctors tell us that it is clear that one will need to be delivered first and thus the first in line. looking at the royal line of succession there is the queen, then charles, william then harry. but the rules of succession are changing. so whether wills and kate have a boy or a girl, this new baby will now bump harry and 37 other
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members of the royal family and be next in line after william. >> william's child will be third in line to the throne regardless of whether a girl or boy. >> reporter: ever since the fairy tale wedding 18 months ago the world has been watching for a baby bump. and kate kept us guessing. there was this moment when the duchess toasted with water and not wine on the couple's third official tour representing the monarchy. and this -- when william sparked speculation after accepting a baby gift. prince harry who is in afghanistan serving reportedly found out he was going to become an uncle by i'm. e-mail. as for kate, she remains in the hospital under observation for several days. lama hasan, abc new, outside buckingham palace in london. >> it could be very serious this particular type of morning sickness. it only affects about 2% of the women that suffer from morning sickness. and you are sick literally all day. you can get dehydrated. i had to be hospitalized with my second. it wasn't this extensive. i had to go on pills, similar to cancer patients. that are having treatment for chemotherapy. >> to control the nausea. >> nausea, vomiting, and acid.
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it usually remedies itself by 16, 20 weeks. but, again, if you're severely dehydrated and you don't have, you know, a good hospital, which she obviously does, it can be a serious situation. >> i have so much respect for women and what you all have to endure physically. it is -- >> and deliver. and then she has to deliver. >> exactly. uh-uh. our coverage of the royal pregnancy does not end here, of course it doesn't. later this half-hour, expert medical analysis on kate's pretty severe morning sickness condition and what doctors can do about it. stay tuned for that. in other news this morning, one of the largest teachers unions in america is calling for a tough new test to certify anyone who wants to join the profession. the american federation of teachers has more than a million members is proposing an exam similar to the one lawyers take, the bar exam. well, the aft says it would
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raise standards for teachers and make sure they're prepared for the job. education secretary arne duncan supports the proposal. and the mayor of newark, new jersey, is living on a monetary equivalent of food stamps for a week starting today. cory booker taking the challenge after an exchange with a north carolina woman who follows him on twitter. that woman began the same challenge back on sunday. booker, himself, he is a vegetarian, and he prepared for the challenge of going shopping for deals on fruits and vegetables. >> going to be tough to do. $4 a day. fruits and veggies. >> the average monthly food stamp benefit was $136 per person in new jersey last year. that's about $31 a week according to federal officials. people go out and easily spend $30 on lunch. we're talking about 31 bucks to get through the entire week on food. hopefully the challenge will open people's eyes to, you know, what the less fortunate in the country have to live on. $31 a week for food. not a lot. >> and there's a lot more people
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on food stamps than have been in the last couple generations or so. >> tough times. we always see that. and we'll see how the mayor does. >> mm-hmm. good luck to him. northern california bracing for a round of wet and wild weather today. after getting battered by three storms in the past week, this latest system could dump another 5 inches of rain. thousands of people are still without power after sunday's storm. the windy city has been anything but windy these days. chicago is in the middle of a warm spell that feels a lot more like june than december. what is the guy doing wearing a packers' jersey downtown. shot up to 70 allowing chicagoans to abandon gear for shirts, t-shirts, bicycles. a little nom is day. cooler today. well above normal the i leave a year ago it's been warmer in chicago than it ever has been. >> nothing like a mild start to winter. that's what i am talking about. enjoy it, chicago, because you know it won't last.
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>> last winter was mild. >> for chicago standard. for chicago standard. >> for chicago. yes. here's a look at your weather. showers and thunderstorms from houston to cleveland and nashville. the storms are going to move east to atlanta and pittsburgh. rain in the pacific northwest. up to a foot in the rockies, and cascade and sierra range. >> 50s from seattle to billings. 38 in the twin city. 70s across the south. time now for our -- boom -- "favorite story of the day." i do love this. anyone who watches the show for a while knows i am a big fan of las vegas. one of the nation's true. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> why am i not surprised? >> willis loves it too. one of the nation's true adult playground to put it mildly. this morning a reason to love sin city even more. >> wham, bam, grand slam. new denny's opened. 24-hour joint. has a full bar. >> mm-hmm. >> and since it's vegas, they also have the obligatory weddle chapel. >> yes, yes, yes. >> they offer a range of wedding packages, some including cake
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made of denny's pancake puppies. i can't think of anything better. >> anyone who spent time in vegas, tell you at least once, denny's has saved their life. i think, it is only right they expand and make it as big, bold, vegas as it possibly can be. i love it. >> i don't think it's quinn tess enchally vegas. oopz i will go to a denny's anywhere in the country. >> you are a highfalutin like that. but i mean -- >> i am. i love denny's. my hometown. it's like where we go when we go out to eat. >> as sad as that is -- >> vegas, open 24 hour. good for late night, out late. sometimes that omelet you need it. you know what i mean? >> need it to soak up -- >> all that sunny delight. >> yeah. hugh hefner's upcoming wedding and prenup for his younger bride. >> and the season of giving is also the season of taking. thieves are ripping off decorations and trees and police cannot wait to track down the real-life grinches. you're watching "world news now." ♪ you're as cuddly as a cactus you're as charming as an eel ♪
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mr. grinch ♪ ♪ you're a bad banana with a greasy black peel ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifestyle lift. weather brought to twru by lifestyle lift. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare
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and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor
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who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you. ♪ ooh ooh child ♪ things are going to be easier ♪ ♪ ooh ooh child ♪ things are going to be easier ♪ ♪ ooh ooh child back to one of our top stories, kate middleton is hospitalized with a form of severe morning sickness.
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it's not just ordinary nausea though. it's overwhelming debilitating nausea that puts women and their unborn babies at risk. abc's dr. jennifer ashton explains exactly what can be done about it. >> this is potentially very serious for a pregnant woman. at this stage of pregnancy however, most of the risks lie with the mother. we usually start by modifying diet. so feeding bland foods, small frequent meals. then if necessary, the woman might need to be admitted to the hospital where iv fluids or iv hydration is given. if that doesn't work, we then go on to medications. and these are very strong anti-nausea medications that work both in the brain as well as the stomach. if necessary, tube feedings with a permanent catheter might be needed. much bigger than queasiness and potentially very serious. >> and folks have to understand we're not talking a run-of-the-mill condition here. they say sometimes the condition
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itself is linked to having twins. wouldn't that be interesting if we have royal twins coming down the pike. >> then that's actually what do they do? who's going to be delivered first? they have to be delivered c-section. the first one removed from the womb will be the heir to the throne. >> imagine the one that comes out second. find that out. how mad you will be. >> comes out and sees arnold schwarzenegger -- >> i was one contraction away from being king. good luck. coming up, intimate encounters involving mike tyson, his ex-wife, and a hollywood a-lister. this story is buck wild. >> it's all next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny oh, skinny in the house! >> thank you, willis. we missed that. >> skinny is in the house. >> good to have willis back for the rest of the week. yes. >> oh, gosh. well, lilo, lindsay lohan, we know she's been in trouble for like the last five years it seems, but now she's not only in trouble for things she has done, drug-, alcohol-related. now the irs is going after back taxes. she owes money for 2009 and 2010. they have seized her bank accounts. she reportedly owes $233,000 in unpaid federal taxes.
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she's falling behind for 2011 as well. you remember charlie sheen gave her 100 grand to try to get her back on track. >> more than that? >> yeah. she's going to need a little more than that. but she's reportedly downing two bottles of vodka a day because of stress of her summer car crash and krecent bar brawl las week. charged with misdemeanor assault. >> she is reportedly refusing to to enter rehab. according to tmz. i feel badly for her. >> hope we are not watching an amy winehouse. in the making, that's my fear with lindsay. she is going to need the money. has enough lawyer fees. i don't understand how wealthy get back on their taxes anyway. wish her luck. >> she is said to earn more than $2 million end of this year. which she probably already owes. >> weird. all right. speaking of weird, mike tyson in the news. he came out and said he was high on cocaine during the filming of
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the "hangover," had the funny appearance in the movie. he's giving another interview. way back in the day, married to robin gibbness givens sitcom, head of the class, all that. basically admitting in the middle of the divorce he would go to the house every day before going to the attorney saying she is a pig stealing my money. go to the house every day during the divorce and have sex with her. one day, came home, guess who she is in bed with, brad pitt. this was pre a-list hollywood brad pitt. mike tyson did say you should have seen his face when he saw me. you can imagine heavyweight champ walks in you are messing with his wife. he described the whole thing as a love triangle between rob in givens and brad pitt in the latest interview. the story is so bizarre, very strange story. >> oh, god. >> very strange. mike is just upset. and, anybody got my business -- in bed with my wife. so apparently a bad scene. tough times for mike. this is ludicrous, this is ridiculous, and my wife.
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>> we've got more to get to. according to e! news -- remember the former runaway bride, crystal harris supposed to marry hugh hefner. she tweets. thank you for all the lessons. i'm ready. allegedly suppose to celebrate a new year's eve wedding. get if this. if she had married him back in 2011, she would have received $800,000 as a gift after the wedding and $500,000 a year after that. she remained with him. >> a lot of money. hef doesn't stay off the news long. and viagra stock went up today. rumor in hollywood, anna wintour, editor of "vogue" could be named ambassador to the uk or france by president obama. very interesting. [ laughing ]
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cascade. the clear choice. with resolve deep clean powder. the moist powder removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while neutralizing odors for a clean you can see, smell and really enjoy. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. [ female announcer ] he could be the one. soulmate. husband. loving father to your children. but first you've got to get him to say, "hello." new crest 3d white arctic fresh toothpaste. use it with these 3d white products, and whiten your teeth in just 2 days. what will a 3d white smile do for you? new crest 3d white toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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♪ you're a mean one mr. grinch ♪ you really are a heel ♪ you're a mean one mr. grinch ♪ you really are a heel >> i love when his heart turns soft. [ laughter ] he has one. here's a story about a mean
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one whose heart is an empty hole. >> a thief who used the cover of night to steal a family's holiday decorations, but unlike whoville, neighborhoods in this texas town have surveillance cameras. good for them. check them out. the thief gives the lawn decorations the once-over, then gets of his car and steals the inflatable sled, even the snowman. apparently he liked what he got. he loaded it up, came back, this time grabbing an inflatable train set. even santa himself. police are hoping some one recognizes this dude and turns him in. sunny hostin would say a special place in hell for folks who steal christmas decorations. >> give him some coal. just like the grinch, someone in oregon is stealing christmas trees. five swiped from an outdoor lot. the first time in 51 years the family owned lot hit by thieves. sadly a significant hit for the owners who say business has been dropping dramatically in the past few years.
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they say more people are buying their trees at big box stores. christmas trees, if you're going to buy real trees, they're not cheap. >> how much are they? >> i paid $65 for a six-foot tree. you can pay up to $150 if you want a larger one. i just don't have any room. >> you've got tony vest in plastic. store it until next year. >> go to the bronx. >> go to the bronx. thank you, willis. there are still people with christmas spirit to spare, thank goodness. case in point, 84-year-old joyce smith, decorating ever green trees along highways in iowa for more than 20 year. well, she and her husband james have decorated 60 trees so far this season. joyce brings her decorations along wherever she may go. when she went to visit her sister in another town she stopped along the way to give a few trees a holiday makeover. i would love to see that. nice work. we had to get to this one, another equally important commemoration. >> today is national cookie day. and to celebrate, we've got a few to sample as we like to do here.
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yes, you have yours. famous amos chocolate chip cookie. >> something to chew on. some facts you may not know about cookies. americans eat 2 billion a year. that's about 300 cookies apiece. >> small sweet cake similar to cookies probably originated around india or persia around the 17th century. >> those are the facts. you always want to feed you. >> how about we toast and do that? >> why can't i feed you? >> you have hey husband. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request
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this morning on "world news now" -- keeping a close eye on kate middleton. the duchess of cambridge is in the hospital for a second straight day. >> while doctors treat her extreme form of morning sickness, the baby excitement is already building. it's tuesday, december 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. we're going to go live to london in a moment where royal watchers are in overdrive. also this morning, a sobering development overseas, evidence that the government of syria could be ready to unleash chemical and biological weapons against the rebels. of course, the syria officials there deny this, but actions are saying a much, much different story. and the american officials on the other hand are saying, look, use of chemical weapons would be a red line. this is still hanging over the country and could prompt military action. our soldiers on the ground there. that's why it is important to keep an eye on that. also this half hour, the latest on the jovan belcher tragedy. the people closest to the nfl linebacker and the girlfriend he killed are speaking out now about the shocking murder suicide. we are also going to talk about a report that came in, "the new
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york post"over night, that gave details to what he was doing hours before the murder. very, very interesting. later this half hour, magic man, our polkameister, sitting down with penn jillette to talk about harry houdini, magic, and familia. kate middleton spending a second day in the london hospital and prince william has been at his pregnant wife's side as she is treated for severe morning sickness. >> the palace ended speculation about the duchess yesterday, confirming she is expecting. abc's nick schifrin joining us live from london. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, paula. good morning, rob. what an exciting morning it is here. kates had her belly stared at, her every action scrutinized since the wedding, and now all of those people who have been incorrectly guessing she was pregnant for months are finally right. baby watch is over. 30-year-old kate middleton aka the future queen of engand is
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two months' preg nantd. the countrymen and women all isn't their well wishes. >> absolutely wonderful news. and i am delighted for them. i am sure they will make absolutely brilliant parents. >> it is about time we got a little princess or prince for the uk. >> reporter: well, it's been only 19 months since that kiss. but from the very beginning the world has been watching for a baby bump. when she skipped the peanut butter, when she toasted with water and maybe a little hint last week when william accepted. william made no secret this is what he wanted as he told abc's katie couric last may. >> i am just very keen to have a family. and both katharine and i are looking forward to having a family in the future. >> reporter: kate's pregnancy has not been easy. it appears the couple went public earlier than they planned. she is currently in the london hospital with hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare condition that causes severe vomiting during pregnancy. kate's expected to recover, and it will be a historic pregnancy because for the first time, there's no law restricting success to boys. so if kate gives birth to a girl, that little baby will automatically be third in line to the throne.
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what do you think is in the future for a royal baby like this? >> brothers and sisters. [ laughter ] >> reporter: let's give them a little time for their first one. the couple is considered the future of the royal family, and now their baby is expected to secure the future of the monarchy for decades to come. the royal couple revealed early because they feared news of her pregnancy would like out once she arrived in the hospital. which might have led to a few interesting conversations yesterday. reportedly the queen herself just found out yesterday. and prince harry, william's brother, who's serving in afghanistan, reportedly found out via e-mail. rob and paula? >> nick, we keep hearing about the baby and the heir to the throne. but there could be potentially be babies, plural, twins. >> yeah. there's not a lot of data about this h.g. as they call what kate is suffering from, hyperem sis
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grav darm. but the one study that we found shows that women carrying twins have a 7.5% higher risk of experiencing h.g. that hasn't stopped the daily telegraph today running with it. could it be twins for kate? couple other headlines i found this morning. and "the daily mail", "a nation's joy, a husband's nerves." and my personal favorite from "the sun," "kate expectations." >> nice. sure you are going to be reading that on the front page of the papers for probably the next eight months. >> i've been up for hours, i have read all of them. >> why did the palace announce this so soon? >> well, i think they were concerned that once kate had to go into the hospital, that, that news would come out. somebody in the hospital would notice. people would be worried about her health. someone would tweet it out. family, i think they wanted to tell harry in afghanistan.
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therefore they thought we have no choice but to tell the world. >> all right. thank you to nick schifrin reporting from london. you do understand you will be on baby watch for the next 36 weeks or 30 weeks, do you understand that? >> i and 60 million other people in the country have been on baby watch for months. we're used to it. >> you embrace it. thank you, nick. we're going to take you back live to lawn on "america this morning" and later on "good morning america" as we cover all of the royal excitement as well as kate's hospitalization. so keep it right here on abc. and amid tough negotiations to avoid going over the so-called fiscal cliff. president obama meets with bipartisan groups of governors about the problem today. the meeting a day after house speaker jonathan boehner laid a republican plan to solve the crisis on the table and calls for $800 billion in higher taxes revenue and does not increase taxes on wealthy americans. the white house is rejecting the offer, saying any deal must include an end to tax cuts for families making over $250,000. and the senate has approved a new u.s. commander for the war in afghanistan. he's marine corporal general
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joseph doneford and replaces general john al llen, nominatedo head forces in europe. allen's nomination on hold because of his involvement in the sex scandal that brought down former cia director david petraeus. in foreign news, new intelligence reports, indicate syria's government may be preparing to use chemical and biological weapons against the rebels. in response though, the u.s. and its allies are considering military options. here's abc's martha raddatz. >> reporter: the latest intelligence is alarming. officials telling abc news the u.s. is now seeing specific signs that the syrian regime may be preparing to use the chemical sarin against opposition forces. sarn is an extremely toxic substance that can kill a person in matter of minutes with only one drop. the victim suffocated from the paralyzing effects of the toxin. this new intelligence has the obama administration so
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concerned, harsh warnings came from the president himself. >> i want to make it absolutely clear to assad and those under his command the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences, and you will be held accountable. >> reporter: a senior official tells abc news there are contingency plans for military action if the weapons became a threat. the syrian regime said it would not use chemical weapons under any circumstance, but president ass assad's father used them, and assad himself has been massacring his citizens for nearly two straight years. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. >> it's a little hard to believe since tens of thousands of folks have been killed already, use of chemical weapons would be off limits to the syrian regime right now.
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considering rebels have made advances that may be one of the most powerful weapons the government has in its arsenal right now. again, that's a red line according to the u.s. if chemicals are used, that could draw us into this conflict militarily. that is a whole different level of involvement here, and according to some senior officials, our folks, military have started to run drills in preparation for chemical attacks. that situation growing more serious. >> syria maintaining that they're not preparing for any sort of chemical warfare. though they have begun mixing compounds according to several sources. as she mentioned the sarin gas could be most readily used to fill artillery shells. real quickly, the united nations said monday they're immediately pulling all nonessential employees out of syria because of this new development. >> huge signal there as well. all right. moving on to other news right now, schools near the toxic chemical spill in southern new jersey will be closed for the rest of the week.
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people in the town of paulsboro were told again to stay inside with their windows closed because of the level of vinyl chloride spiked. those closer to the spill evacuated may not be able to return home until saturday. here's a look at your tuesday forecast. a new storm in the west bringing drenching rain from california to seattle. heavy mountain snow, sierra to rockies. thunderstorms from ohio valley to the gulf coast. and mild for much of the midwest and northeast. >> 60s from atlanta to new york. 70s from dallas to miami. 50s meanwhile in the middle of the country. and some football here. and just when it looked like the new york giants were ready to take command of the nfc east, "monday night football" happened. >> that meant the giants against rg3. redskins' quarterback, robert griffin iii went around, left josh morgan. look at that. morgan hustling in. nice moves there. breaking tackles into the end zone. >> then in the fourth with the team trailing, griffin found
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pierre garcon in the end zone. put the skins ahead for good. pulled this one out. final score, 17-16. i love that the giants got an "l" as they get ready to face my saints next weekend. love that. >> giants are 7 and 5. >> that's right. >> 7 and 5. >> saints are still in the hunt. i like it. >> keep dreaming. >> mm-hmm. coming up, the redneck reality tv show that could shake up the airways. this is good stuff. >> entertaining. part of a famous magic act. penn jillette is making some profound remarks about atheism. you're watching "abc world news" now. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. you by colonial penn life insurance. life insurance -- colonial penn life insurance.
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>> announcer: "world news now"
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welcome back everyone, welcome back, everyone. family members of jovan belcher who killed his girlfriend and then himself are now talking about their grief. >> the murder/suicide sparked renewed controversy over gun control. abc's john schifrin reports. >> reporter: relatives of kansas city chiefs' linebacker jovan belcher speaking out trying to make sense of this tragedy. >> we are overwhelmed with both sadness and confusion. >> reporter: belcher shot and killed his girlfriend kasandra perkins saturday. her family releasing this statement, saying, quote, please keep us in your hearts and prayers as well as the belcher family because two lives were lost. the incident reignited the gun control debate. sportscaster bob costas taking a stand on "sunday night football." >> if jovan belcher didn't possess a gun, he and kasandra perkins would be alive today.
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>> reporter: chiefs' head coach romeo that witnessed belcher's suicide add his voice. >> all i know is there is a player with a gun. i know that is not a good thing. >> reporter: what drove belcher to kill? was it a head injury so common in football, or was this another tragic incident of domestic violence which kills two to three women in this country every single day. john schifrin, abc news, kansas city. >> breaking details about the case overnight, "new york post." >> "the new york post" reporting he spent the night with a woman the night before and neighbors had seen him routinely dating probably back to the last year. left this woman's house at 6:45. neighbors had complained that he was drunk the night before. >> they that been out to dinner, drinking, all that. >> passed out in his car. went up to the woman's apartment and then left her house at 6:45. then went to the home he shared with his girlfriend. fired nine bullets into her and then went to arrowhead's
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facility and killed himself. >> according to again the article in "the new york post," the woman named in the story, pretty much confirmed that the two were -- were having some kind of relationship. >> she confirmed. >> that will be some of the details that are worked out today. plus people are -- there's a lot of speculation on twitter what his physical state was. injuries on the football field as well. some speculation. >> that will all come out. once the autopsy. take up to six years. probably look at his brain. >> sad all the way around. all right. we'll lighten the mood a little bit, i guess, when we come back. >> yeah. >> we'll have the serious side of an otherwise pretty funny guy. >> we'll sit down to talk with penn jillette and magic and we
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♪ do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart ♪ ♪ how the music can free her whenever it starts ♪ ♪ and it's magic if the music is ♪ do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart ♪ ♪ how the music can free her whenever it starts ♪ ♪ and it's magic if the music is groovy ♪ >> sing it, willis. ♪ like an old-time movie >> oh, that's awful. >> all right. [ laughter ] he's one half of the comedy and magic team, penn and teller, but he's also a father of two and appeared on "dancing with the stars" as well as ""celebrity apprentice."" >> while penn jillette may make his living by making people laugh his latest book tackles a serious subject, atheism. barry mitchell caught up with penn jillette. >> for his first trick, penn jillette will saw a man in half. we are midtown manhattan, they have an incredible harry houdini museum. why was houdini important in your life? >> houdini was important in my life because he changed halfway through his career from being known mostly as a magician or an escape artist, as you see the straight jacket here, to being
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known mostly as a skeptic. he became someone who spoke against people who talked to people from the dead, pretended to talk to the dead. also, arguably, you know, the first modern celebrity. as far as fame is concerned. if you look at the 20th century. famous figure, elvis or houdini. >> is magic mostly -- psychology? >> mostly gaffer and lying. once you get through the gaffer and lying there is some psychology involved, yeah. this is the standing liberty half dollar. standing liberty half dollar. which i will give you just like this. and see? it stays there. that's the amazing thing about our universe. >> watch it really close. see it there? quite a bit of weight. a silver coin. >> it's going over the fiscal cliff. >> up, up, up. up, up, up, into the hand. >> yea! >> penn, in your book you talk
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about you cry every day. >> all the time. >> why? >> i don't know. i think -- there's a quote by bob dylan, it frightens me the awful truth of how sweet life can be. since i had my children -- my children are young, 6 and 7. i no longer can tell whether i am crying from sadness or crying from joy. they seem exactly the same. the speed at which life is speeding by us, you know. i sometimes worry. maybe the obsession with atheism comes from the fact that i worry that people spend so much time thinking about the afterlife and worry about the supernatural, they miss the glory of every day that is to be exalted. every moment looking at my children, you know, i just, i feel that, that rush of moving a billion miles an hour through life. >> is is it, enjoy it? >> yeah, all we have is love,
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family, and the world around us. and you know that's enough. anything else. >> and play in las vegas. >> exactly. >> penn jillette, thank you so much. "every day is an atheist holiday." makes a lovely christmas or chanukah gift. >> sure does. >> oops. >> barry mitchell. interesting interview. >> very interesting. i didn't see him on "dancing with the stars." but i would have loved to have seen the kind of moves he had. coming up next, the redneck reality show that could shake up the airways. it will be oklahoma. and america's all-time favorite sitcom. is it your favorite show? is it, rob? >> it is mine, personally, yeah. >> it's all next in the mix. [ male announcer ] take dayquil...
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[ ding! ] ...and spend time on the slopes. take alka-seltzer plus cold & cough... [ buzz! ] ...and spend time on the chair. for non-drowsy 6-symptom cold & flu relief. take dayquil. use nyquil d... [ ding! ] ...and get longer nighttime cough relief. use tylenol cold multisymptom nighttime... [ coughs ] [ buzz! ] [ screams ] ...and you could find yourself... honey? ...on the couch. nyquil d. 50% longer cough and stuffy nose relief.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. >> o', having willis back just enlivens us. >> i'm just going to eat. you talk. >> typical, on or off air. you -- >> you just talk. willis, here we go. new show on mtv.
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we know "jersey shore" is ending in the midst of their last season. they may be over by now. apparently, bye-bye jersey shore," hello, "buck wild." the reality show now about rebellious 20-somethings living in good old west virginia. 12-episode series. the trailer speaks for itself. take a listen. >> facebook. you know, that internet stuff. >> if it wasn't for them i wouldn't be here. >> you guys [ bleep ] in my bed. how disrespectful is that? >> sorry. >> all right. >> oh, my gosh. >> of course, folks in jersey got mad they didn't like the way the jersey shore portrayed the garden state. you have to wonder whether southerners or west virginians will get upset because of this show. either way, apparently it is filmed, coming up on mtv. get ready for "buck wild." this show will be making headlines like snooki and company. stay tuned for that. >> i have a title, and "why people shouldn't procreate." >> ooooh.
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>> my mother-in-law is from west virginia. i love west virginia. >> family reunion for you? it is. i know you don't like cats, but maybe a use for cats. >> okay. >> cat found its way into this little, you know the little animal prize machine. and then the toy clock comes done to get it. cat keeps licking itself and bathing itself. i have nod no idea where this took place, what country. in russia. in russia. in a russian animal toy machine. >> you have to wonder how the thing got in there. oh, man. willis, get it. >> it looks comfortable. i'd love to lay in a bunch of stuffed animals and a bed of roses. a fairly new poll out from "60 minutes" and "vani"vanity " fair."" the favorite sitcom of all time. apparently, brought them up here. 7%, arrested development. 14%, cheers. 16% said friend. 20%, the honeymooner. number 1. 22%. seinfeld took the spot. it topped many polls before.
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as i read here, other shows made the list. the survey directed people to that list of seven sitcoms. weird survey. congratulations to jerry and the gang. now let's talk about food. >> it's national cookie day. >> yes. >> we consume 300 cookies a year. let's consume our yearly intake. we thank insomniac kitchen for sending these to us. real quick, chocolate chip [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with
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a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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now" -- fiscal frustration. the indeci this morning on "world news now" -- fiscal frustration. the indecision in washington over tax increases and budget cuts could be having an impact on your money right now. while the deadline to reach a deal may be much sooner than first thought. it is tuesday, december 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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good tuesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm paula faris. from the big story on capitol hill to the royal splash in london. that's right. duchess kate is in the hospital this morning expecting her first child. we'll tell you why royal watchers are fascinated. but oddsmakers are betting and doctors are concerned about her health. a pretty serious medical condition involving the duchess. >> and that really is the real news. we're all happy she's pregnant. people expected this. but there's a medical condition expectant moms and current moms can relate to. so there is an important angle to that story, so stay tuned for that. also this morning, the big scare at a school in atlanta. that's where dozens of students and staff were overcome by fumes. here's the big question though. shouldn't classrooms be required to have carbon monoxide
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detectors? we often hear about them in homes. people have them. for that reason. required in some homes. so interesting they're not in schools. so we'll get into that. >> you have a feeling this will sort of set in motion for that to happen. >> exactly. later this half hour, sleep deprivation. an eye-opening experience for abc's ron claiborne. he stayed up for 36 hours. took the wheel. and see what doctors discovered. probably something that most of you that work the overnight shift, this grueling shift can relate to. one time or another. >> oh, yeah. that drive home. a fascinating story too. because sometimes you don't realize that you're zoning out as much as you are. technically you are kind of asleep behind the wheel for seconds at a time, which can lead to catastrophe. yeah, like we are. sleeping through the show. >> and accidentally fallen asleep during the show. >> yeah, much like the viewers. by the way, we should point out willis is back with us tonight doing some camera changes here on the show. good morning, willis. >> what's up? >> good to have familiar voice and laugh in the house. >> we have real men and women manning the cameras, karen,
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joanie, and willis. welcome, everybody. >> they have never seen our show before. that made us feel good. they're normal people. they're asleep at this hour. we get it. but to the news and, of course, the increasing frustration about the lack of progress on a plan to avoid going over the so-called fiscal cliff. and while it is not directly blamed for a major stock market plunge, just yet at least. it clearly is weighing on traders around the world. all of wall street's major average were off half a percent yesterday. most asian markets lost ground today. the frustration has ordinary americans taking action. abc's jake tapper reports. >> reporter: in arlington, texas, data analyst deborah page was watching the sunday political talk shows when she got angry. >> the president's idea of a negotiation is rolling over and do what i ask. >> we're not going to extend the tax rate to the top 2%.
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>> if i was working the way congress and the president are working, i would be probably lose my job. >> reporter: so page went on to petition page on the white house website and wrote a petition that would cease paycheck and health benefits for members of congress and the president until the fiscal cliff is avoided. unlikely, but a reflection of voter frustration as both sides dig in. the white house demanding higher tax rates for the top two tax brackets, and the republicans refusing. after rejecting the obama administration proposal last week, house republicans offered an outline for $2.2 trillion in deficit reduction, mostly through spending cuts. and while president obama would not answer questions about the counterproposal -- >> no deal better than a bad deal, sir? >> reporter: -- a senior white house official assailed it as a step backward, saying if republicans do not agree to some higher rates for wealthier taxpayer, the nation will go over the cliff, and the american people will hold the republicans responsible. wall street remains optimistic a deal will be struck. so the lack of progress is not yet resulted in a market plunge. but some economists estimate
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that because of the uncertainty posed by the fiscal cliff, at least 200,000 fewer jobs have been created this year. the official deadline is december 31st at midnight when the ball drops in times square. the deadline is before that, a week from friday when the house of representatives is scheduled to go on vacation. in actuality there are fewer than 11 days before they need to work out a deal. jake tapper, abc new, the white house. >> that's scary, 11 days. fellows you sit up there until it gets wrapped up. quick synopsis, gop, $800 billion in revenue through tax reform on the table. that's not what the white house wants. they want tax rates to go up as oppose to revenue going up which would include closing some
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loopholes. kind of one of the sticking points. >> and speaker of the house john boehner sent a nice little hallmark card, a letter to the president. i want to read you an excerpt. he set the american people rightly expect both parties to come together on a fair middle ground and address the nation's most pressing challenges. the proposal calls for $1.6 trillion in new tax revenue, twice the amount you supported during the campaign. we cannot in good conscience agree to this approach, and sent over this doozy of a letter, which is neither balanced or realist realistic. >> center the letter with signatures to the president you. hope this wasn't preorchestrated. to drum up support for their bases. >> there are some who are cynical, and saying all this is choreographed. they know what the final deal is going to be. every side has to take the steps to appear they're fighting and appease their base. we'll see. 11 days to the first sort of deadline in this, so stay tuned, folks. >> we will. and now to the increasingly dangerous situation in syria. new intelligence reports show that syria's government may be preparing chemical and biological weapons for use against trebles, though syria
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denies this. senior officials tell abc news there are plans for military action if the weapons became a threat and president obama told syria's president he will face the consequences if those weapons are used. in other news this morning, two men from mexico are in custody in southern california, charged with killing a member of the u.s. coast guard. 34-year-old terrell horne was killed sunday. he was on a small inflatable craft like this one approaching a boat suspected of carrying drugs off the california coast. the suspect's boat rammed ho horne's, hitting him in the head, a wound that was ultimately fatal. horne is the father of one. his wife was expecting another. we turn to a horrifying scene here in new york. a man pushed off a subway platform into the path of an oncoming train. the 58-year-old man tried to climb from the tracks. it was too late. the train crushed him to death. moments earlier surveillance
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video shows a suspect arguing with the victim. police are checking images to hopefully isolate a clearer picture. and a prominent new york city politician asked the secretary hillary clinton as she prepares to step down. michael bloomberg called clinton to encourage her to enter the 2013 race for new york mayor when his term end. "the new york times" made it clear that she had no interest in the job. if she, however, decides to change her mind, she has one hurdle she has to overcome. she has to be a resident of the city. she bought a home when sheep deep sided to run for senate. >> exactly. >> new york senate years ago. >> you would imagine hillary clinton is one of the superstars in politics, and she has certain star power. you would think if she comes back into politics at this point -- they say she is not -- she would want a national office compared to a big, big job like
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mayor of new york city. if she gets in the game, she's going for the top again. the white house, not here in new york. >> what is mayor bloomberg going to do, steps down december 31st of 2013. >> count his money, i guess. speaking of money, mitt romney is making a career move of sorts. he's rejoining the board of directors for marriott hoe tels. romney held the post from 1993 to 2002. that's when he left to run for governor of massachusetts. he had another two-year run before stepping down in 2011 to run for president. well, from britain, the news you undoubtedly heard by now the pregnancy announcement heard round the world. while kate middleton, duchess of cambridge, spent a day in a hospital in london. the early baby buzz is turning into the early baby. brandi hitt has the royals celebrating and, of course, speculating. >> reporter: the royal wait is over. prince william and wife kate are expecting their first child and drawing congratulations from around the world. >> it's absolutely wonderful news, and i'm delighted for them.
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i'm sure they will make absolutely brilliant parents. >> reporter: the future queen of england was in her first trimester after kate was hospitalized with hyperemesi hyperemesis gravidarum, a rare condition that causes severe vomiting and dehydration, and h.g. can give a hint about the baby. >> hyperemesis gravidarum is more common in people carrying twins. >> reporter: 18 months after their fairy-tale wedding, the world has been on baby bump watch, and the royal couple has kept everyone guessing. william even told katie couric last may they wanted to start a family. >> i'm just very keen on having a family, and both catherine and i are looking forward to having a family in the future. >> reporter: recently kate was toasting with water and looking at baby gifts. the first child, boy or girl, would bump harry and be next in line to the throne after william. now let the speculation begin on baby names.
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they are usually traditional, and the bookies' favorites right now are george and anne. and it's not just baby names. there's already speculation about what kate will wear while pregnant. there hasn't been this much attention on a royal pregnancy, of course, since princess diana. rob and paula? >> congratulations, kate, william. while we are speaking of little ones, it is never too early to start looking for the next generati next generation great olympic swimmers. think michael phelps and missy franklin. here they are. williams -- >> the nine months olds are ordinarily relaxed in the water and swing a full length of the pool unassisted, no floaties, nothing except their swim
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diapers. >> wow. >> amazing. >> dad says since they were born in this olympic year. maybe it will keep swimming to the games in 2028. one stroke at a time, dad. calm down. but i've never seen a baby that young without any protection at all, just going. >> i have seen classes, infant swim. they teach the kids to flip over, especially in states where they have outdoor pools like in florida and arizona. they teach the kids to flip on their backs and just cry for help. >> mom, mom. i've never seen that. >> 9 months old. >> i have never seen them swim. 1 this class teaches them to tread. >> swim better than willis. that is amazing. >> you got that right! coming up, you cannot see, feel, or smell, a dangerous lesson for a school in atlanta. and an eye-opening experiment about sleep deprivation. behind the wheel after our colleague stayed up for 36 hours straight. it's coming up on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no!no! hair removal. coming up on "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by no!no! hair removal. the new color changing candle from air wick,
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brings light and fragrance together, to create a mesmerizing experience in your home. try the new color changing candle. something in the air wick. until they see this. the oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the pro-health clinical brush from oral-b.
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welcome back, everyone. school safety rules are under the microscope this morning after a scare at an atlanta elementary school. at least 42 students and seven adults were rushed to the hospital and 500 people evacuated all because of potential deadly levels of carbon monoxide. now the school had no carbon monoxide detectors.
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experts say the children were at greater risk. >> the children were on average 6, 7 years old. carbon monoxide settles lower on the ground. the shorter you are, the more susceptible you are to getting poisoning. >> interesting. i did not know that it settled low. half of states require them in residential buildings. only connecticut requires them in public and private schools. the atlanta leak apparently started in a boiler. >> time to follow connecticut's lead. >> mm-hmm. in other news, trader joes is now recalling thousands of pounds of frozen chicken. the store's frozen butter chicken with basmati rice meals may be tainted with listeria. dangerous bacteria. more than 4,000 pound may be at risk. look for 12 1/2 ounce boxes with lot code -- you see on the screen there -- 30512. make sure you return it for a refund. and 'tis the season to trim
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the trees and heed to the fire dangers we can face. firefighters in des moines showed how quickly your christmas tree and your entire home can go up in flames. the demonstration shows what could happen if a live tree is not watered every single day. now, i'm a big fan of the plastic trees. i don't tend to have this problem, but you like live trees. >> i like live trees. >> you have to water them every day. that's labor-intensive, man. >> i water them every other day. >> they said every day. >> because you're on fire. >> didn't notice that. >> instead of girl on fire, boy on fire. >> looks like willis' apartment. we'll be back with more. stay with us. >> we need some help, pl
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well, if you're up with us at this well, if you're up with us at this hour, you probably know how it feels to be sleep deprived. >> nearly all of us who didn't get enough sleep probably thought we were more awake than we were.
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abc's ron claiborne took part in that experiment. >> reporter: my eyes are open, but what you can't tell in this experiment is i am actually asleep. every day an estimated 250,000 americans fall asleep while driving like this woman who was videotaped seemingly nodding off at the wheel in denver. sleep-deprived drivers are blamed for thousands of crashes every year, but many times it's not that obvious. scientists say there is something called microsleep where you can fall asleep for just a few seconds without realizing it, sometimes with your eyes open. hi, i'm ron claiborne. we traveled to liberty mutual research institute outside of boston where they study microsleep. >> microsleep is a very brief transition from wakefulness to sleep. it can last up to 20, 30 seconds. you are waking. you are asleep. >> i would drive while sleep deprived. to mimic conditions of people who do not get enough sleep, i staid up all night. >> i have been up 24 hours.
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>> at the lab i was looked up to a brain wave monitor. i thought i could handle the driving. i feel okay now. then i got behind the wheel of a minivan on a fast closed track. right here my eyes are open. i am asleep. here too. this is what microsleeping can look like. at one point i did doze off. that was not good. people -- yeah, i'm done. >> i knew i dozed off of a couple times, but what was stunning is i had actually microslept 22 times and never knew it. so what was going on inside my brain? >> this is evidence you're falling asleep. >> my eyes were open, but see how much the lines are becoming more jagged. these lines show blinking is getting slower. if i had been driving 60 miles an hour, i would have gone the length of the football field asleep. >> i was in a real twilight zone the entire time, and it was scary. some people ask what about caffeine or red bull? caffeine, red bull, or coffee,
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it will work, but only for a little while. it is not an antidote to the drive to go to sleep. if you are feeling tired, do not get into a car. do not try to outrace your fatigue. if you're already in a car and feel tired, pull off the road and take a nap. that is the only solution to this problem. it is a very big problem. ron claiborne, abc new, new york. >> can we pull off and take a nap? >> pull off the road and take a nap. i think that's good advice. >> see you, everybody. we'll will be right back if we're awake. ap. good advice. >> see you, everybody. we will be right back if we are awake. that really meets your needs a plan and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company.
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like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it.
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call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you.
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try these. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. not just a sensation, sensational relief. ♪ she is going to let it burn baby burn baby ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ she is going to let it burn baby burn baby ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire this girl is on fire ♪ ♪ she's walking on fire this girl is on fire ♪
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ah, my ex-wife alicia, she sounded good. >> she needs to change that to this guy is on fire. >> love her. >> so is willis. you both are on fire tonight. i'm going to have to douse you both with flames -- i mean douse you with water. something. well, when you're a royal, there are lots of rules. first if you're the wife of a prince, you've got to get knocked up. >> that is only the beginning. abc's nick watt explains. >> reporter: kate has broken one rule. royal brides are supposed to be pregnant within a year of the wedding. the role of the princess mum is not easy. diana tried to tear up the rule book. william first heir ever born in the hospital, not a palace. diana, the first royal mum to dare complain of morning sickness, also to fall asleep in public when her pregnancy was still a secret. traditionally royals didn't actually see much of their kids, but not diana. >> she wanted to be as present for her children as she possibly could.
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>> reporter: there were apparently some royal rules diana could not shake. apparently william was induced so the birth didn't interrupt prince charles' polo schedule. the queen, diana's not own mom was her first visitor. the name traditional, of course. bookies' favorites right now for kate and watermelon's firstborn are george and anne. and times of the arcane and downright barbaric, 500 years ago, henry the eighth executed a wife who failed to produce a male heir. and it's been nearly a hundred years since government officials had to be present at a royal birth to ensure the baby was not an imposter. >> the duty of the wife of the future king is to provide an heir and hopefully a spare. >> reporter: and now it's time for the next generation. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> that's going to bring us to the topic of this morning's facebook question. we want to know -- >> yes. what would you name the royal baby and why? just log onto our facebook page, to let us know what
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you think. >> what do you think? do you have any ideas? >> no. >> willis. >> willis. name that baby willis. >> oh, lord. >> that would be a good start, yes. prince willis. [ baby crying ] >> if it's a girl, willisandra. >> willisena. >> willisandra or something. girl, willisandra. >> or something.
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this morning on "world news now" -- flu alert. federal health experts are warning the flu season is off to an early start and it could be a bad one. already doctors are seeing a cluster of cases in five southern states. it is tuesday, december 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now."
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>> is it tuesday? it is tuesday. >> we just said it. i already forgot. >> it's the sleep deprivation, >> it is. >> it's okay. >> good tuesday morning. i'm paula faris. >> i'm rob nelson. it's been ten years since we have seen a flu season start quite this early and this strong. we will get to that coming up in a moment. you were sick. i was under the weather two weeks ago. here we go. >> i think it's the building though. i don't think it has anything to do with the flu. >> all this asbestos. the latest from london. while kate middleton is being treated, of course, in the hospital, the months of baby-guessing games and anticipation are well under way. >> and when we say months, we're talking about months. she's not even through her first trimester. we're probably looking at another eight months of guessing. >> abc will be there every step of the way, every contraction, every hemorrhoid, count on us.
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we'll be there. >> can't wait until they send you to london. >> no, they will not. then the mayor trying to make it on $4 of food stamps a day and make an important point. newark's cory booker, rising to the food stamp challenge. there's only so many ramen noodles one can eat. >> it's crazy. wait till you hear the figure he's supposed to live off of for the week. an idea what some of the nation's poor folks have to endure. a very important point he is trying to make with the experiment starting to day. and later in the show, guess who's after lindsay lohan now. not the police for once. it's the feds. find out what they're looking for. that's coming up in "the skinny." and yet another positive headline for the actress. >> another low for lilo. >> uh-huh. first, a warning from public health experts about the flu. the season is off to its earliest start in nearly a decade. >> the primary strain now circulating tends to make people sicker. here's abc's chief medical editor dr. robert besser. >> reporter: you may get
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something you don't want for christmas, a nasty flu. the cdc announced flu season which usually begins in january is already coughing and aching its way across america. the earliest flu season in a decade. >> the strain of flu that's most common so far this year, h3n2 has been associated with more severe flu seasons and more young and very old people getting severely ill. >> reporter: five states -- tennessee, mississippi, alabama, louisiana, and texas already have widespread flu. missouri and georgia aren't far behind. more people with fever than some news. body aches, sore throat, nasal congesti congestion, and headache. but there's good news. this year's flu vaccine is a good match to fight this year's bug, which means you should be getting something else for christmas a little early. a flu vaccine. dr. richard besser, abc news, new york. >> not bad advice. thanks, dr. besser. we also have an update now on the leukemia patient taken by her mother from a hospital in arizona. security video last week showed her mother leading her out of that hospital in phoenix, and now we've learned overnight the girl's father was questioned by
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border patrol agents on saturday, but they say he provided no information. he also denied being involved in taking the girl from her hospital bed. doctors say the 11-year-old girl could die if she's not returned to the hospital soon. and now to london where a pregnant kate middleton, the duchess of cambridge, is hospitalized for a second day and treated for a rare and extreme form of morning sickness. while doctors are keeping a close eye on her, royal watchers are waiting for the latest arrival. lama hasan has the latest from london. >> reporter: the last time the world saw kate middleton was on friday, a picture of health, playing field hockey. now we learn the duchess of cambridge is pregnant and hospitalized for a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. the palace saying as the pregnancy is in its very early stages, her royal highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter.
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h.g. is a severe form of morning sickness that debilitates 2% of expectant mothers, causing vomiting, weight loss, and dehydration. kate is likely less than 12 weeks' pregnant. in most cases the condition will ease after 16 week. doctors say h.g. can also give a hint about the baby. studies show mothers that experience it have slightly higher odds of carrying a girl or twins. and if there are twins and there needs to be a c-section, doctors tell us it is clear one will need to be delivered, and thus the first in line. looking at the royal line of succession there is the queen, then charles, william, then harry. but the rules of succession are changing. so whether wills and kate have a boy or a girl, this new baby will now bump harry and 37 other members of the royal family and be next in line after william. >> william's child will be third in line to the throne,
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regardless of whether a girl or boy. >> reporter: ever since the fairy-tale wedding 18 months ago, the world has been watching for a baby bump. and kate kept us guessing. there was this moment when the duchess toasted with water and not wine on the couple's third official tour representing the monarchy. and this. when william sparked speculation after accepting a baby gift. prince harry, who is serving in afghanistan, reportedly found out he was going to become an uncle by e-mail. as for kate, she remains in the hospital under observation for several days. lama hasan, abc new, outside buckingham palace in london. >> it could be very serious this particular type of morning sickness. >> right. >> because it only affects about 2% of the women that suffer from morning sickness. and you're sick literally all day. you can get dehydrated. i had to be hospitalized with my second. it wasn't this extensive, but i had to go on pills similar to cancer patients.
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that are having treatment for chemotherapy. >> to control the nausea. >> nausea, vomiting, and acid. it usually remedies itself by 16, 20 weeks. but, again, if you're severely dehydrated and you don't have, you know, a good hospital, which she obviously does, it can be a serious situation. >> i have so much respect for women and what you all have to endure physically. it is -- >> and deliver. and then she has to deliver. >> exactly. uh-uh. our coverage of the royal pregnancy does not end here. of course, it doesn't. later this half hour, expert medical analysis on kate's pretty severe morning sickness condition and what doctors can actually do about it. so please stay tuned for that. in other news this morning, one of the largest teachers unions in america is calling for a tough new test to certify anyone who wants to join the profession. the american federation of teachers, which has more than a million members, is proposing an exam, similar to the one lawyers take, you know, the bar exam. well, the a.f.t. says it would raise standards for teachers and make sure they're prepared for the job. education secretary arne duncan
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supports the proposal. and the mayor of newark, new jersey, is living on a monetary equivalent of food stamps for a week starting today. cory booker is taking the challenge after an exchange with a north carolina woman who follows him on twitter. that woman began the same challenge back on sunday. booker, himself, he is a vegetarian, and he prepared for the challenge of going shopping for deals on fruits and vegetables. >> it's going to be tough to do. $4 a day for fruits and veggies? think about this. the average monthly food stamp benefit was $136 per person in new jersey last year. that's about $31 a week according to federal officials. people go out and easily spend $30 on lunch. we're talking about 31 bucks to get through the entire week on food. hopefully the challenge will open people's eyes to, you know, what the less fortunate in the country have to live on. $31 a week for food. not a lot. >> and there's a lot more people on food stamps than have been in the last couple generations or so.
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>> tough times. we always see that. and we'll see how the mayor does. >> mm-hmm. good luck to him. northern california bracing for a round of wet and wild weather today. after getting battered by three storms in the past week, this latest system could dump another 5 inches of rain. thousands of people are still without power after sunday's storm. and the windy city has been anything but windy these days. chicago is in the middle of a warm spell that feels a lot more like june than december. what is the guy doing wearing a packers' jersey downtown? shot up to 70, allowing chicagoans to abandon gear for shirts, t-shirts, bicycles. a little nomos dei. cooler today. well above normal the i leave a year ago it's been warmer in
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chicago than it ever has been. >> nothing like a mild start to winter. that's what i am talking about. enjoy it, chicago, because you know it won't last. >> last winter was mild. >> for chicago standard. for chicago standard. >> for chicago. yes. here's a look at your weather. showers and thunderstorms from houston to cleveland and nashville. the storms are going to move east to atlanta and pittsburgh. rain in the pacific northwest. up to a foot in the rockies, and cascade and sierra range. >> 50s from seattle to billings. 24 in fargo, 38 in the twin cities, and 70s across the south. time now for our -- boom -- "favorite story of the day." i do love this. anyone who watches the show for a while knows i am a big fan of las vegas. one of the nation's true -- >> yip, yip, yip. >> why am i not surprised. >> willis loves it too. one of the nation's true adult playground to put it mildly. this morning a reason to love sin city even more. >> wham, bam, grand slam. new denny's opened. a 24-hour joint that has a full bar. >> mm-hmm. >> and since it's vegas, they also have the obligatory wedding chapel. >> yes, yes, yes. >> they offer a range of wedding packages, some including cake made of denny's pancake puppies.
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i don't think of anything that can't be better. >> wow. anyone who's spent time in vegas will tell you at least once denny's has probably saved their live. i think it is only right they expand and make it as big, bold, vegas as it possibly can be. i love it. >> i don't think it's quintessentially vegas. i will go to a denny's anywhere in the country. >> you are highfalutin like that. but i mean -- >> i am. i love denny's. my hometown. it's like where we go when we go out to eat. >> as sad as that is -- >> but i mean vegas is open 24 hours. if you're out late, sometimes that omelet, you need it. you know what i mean? >> need it to soak up -- >> all that sunny delight. >> yeah. hugh hefner's upcoming wedding and prenup for his younger bride. and the season of giving is also the season of taking. thieves are ripping off decorations and trees, and police cannot wait to track down the real-life grinches. you're watching "world news now." ♪ you're as cuddly as a cactus you're as charming as an eel ♪ mr. grinch ♪
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♪ you're a bad banana with a greasy black peel ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifestyle lift. weather brought to you by lifestyle lift. weather brought to twru by lifestyle lift. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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now is a good time to think about your options. are you looking for a plan that really meets your needs and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand medicare
3:43 am
and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose any doctor
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who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request your free decision guide. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that may be right for you. ♪ ooh child ♪ things are going to be easier ♪ ♪ ooh child back to one of our top
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stories, kate middleton is hospitalized with a form of severe morning sickness. it's not just ordinary nausea though. it's overwhelming debilitating nausea that puts women and their unborn babies at risk. abc's dr. jennifer ashton explains exactly what can be done about it. >> this is potentially very serious for a pregnant woman. at this stage of pregnancy however, most of the risks lie with the mother. we usually start by modifying diet. so feeding bland foods, small frequent meals. then if necessary, the woman might need to be admitted to the hospital where iv fluids or iv hydration is given. if that doesn't work, we then go on to medications. and these are very strong anti-nausea medications that work both in the brain as well as the stomach. if necessary, tube feedings with a permanent catheter might be needed. this is a much bigger deal than queasiness. this is potentially very serious. >> and folks have to understand we're not talking a run-of-the-mill condition here. they say sometimes the condition itself is linked to having twins. wouldn't that be interesting if
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we have royal twins coming down the pike. >> and then, you know, that's actually, what do you do? who's going to be delivered first? they have to be delivered c-section. the first one removed from the womb will be the heir to the throne. >> imagine the one that comes out second. find that out. how mad you will be. >> comes out and sees arnold schwarzenegger -- >> i was one contraction away from being king. good luck. i hope it's a squik stay in the hospital and a healthy pregnancy. >> all right. coming up, intimate encounters involving mike tyson, his ex-wife, and a hollywood a-lister. this story is buck wild. >> it's all next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ skinny so skinny oh, skinny in the house! >> thank you, willis. we missed that. >> skinny is in the house. >> good to have willis back for the rest of the week. yes. >> oh, gosh. well, lilo, lindsay lohan, we know she's been in trouble for like the last five years it seems, but now she's not only in trouble for things she's done, drug- and alcohol-related, now the irs is going after back taxes. she owes money for 2009 and 2010. they have seized her bank accounts. she reportedly owes $233,000 in unpaid federal taxes.
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she's falling behind for 2011 as well. you remember charlie sheen gave her 100 grand to try to get her back on track. >> more than that? >> yeah. she's going to need a little more than that. but she's reportedly downing two bottles of vodka a day because of stress of her summer car crash and the recent bar brawl last week. charged with misdemeanor assault. >> she is reportedly refusing to to enter rehab. according to tmz. i feel badly for her. >> i hope we're not watching another amy winehouse in the making. that's my fear with lindsay. she's going to need the money. she has enough lawyer fees. i don't understand how wealthy get behind on their taxes anyway. i wish her luck. >> she is said to earn more than $2 million end of this year,
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which she probably already owes. >> weird. all right. speaking of weird, mike tyson in the news. he came out and said he was high on cocaine during the filming of the "hangover," had the funny appearance in the movie. he's giving another interview. way back in the day, married to robin givens, sitcom, "head of the class," all that. basically admitting in the middle of the divorce he would go to the house every day before going to his attorney saying she is a pig stealing my money. he'd go to the house every day during the divorce and have sex with her. one day he came home and guess who she's in bed with? brad pitt. this was pre a-list hollywood brad pitt. mike tyson did say you should have seen his face when he saw me. you can imagine a heavyweight champ walks in, and you're messing with his wife. he described the whole thing as a love triangle between robin givens and brad pitt in the latest interview. the story there is just so bizarre, very strange story. >> oh, god. >> very strange. mike is just upset. and he's in bed with my wife. he's in bed with my wife. so apparently a bad scene.
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tough times for mike. this is ludicrous, this is ridiculous, your having sex with my wife. we've got more to get to. according to "e! news," remember the former runaway bride crystal harris who was supposed to marry hugh hefner? >> yes. >> she tweets thank you for all the lessons. i'm ready. allegedly supposed to celebrate a new year's eve wedding. get this. if she had married him back in 2011, she would have received $800,000 as a gift after the wedding and $500,000 a year after that, if she remained with him. >> a lot of money. hef doesn't stay off the news long. and viagra stock went up today. rumor in hollywood, anna wintour, editor of "vogue," could be named ambassador to the uk or france by president obama. very interesting. ♪ you're a mean one mr. grinch ♪ you really are a heel up. >> i love when his heart turns soft. [ laughter ] he has one. france by president obama. very interesting. [ laughing ]
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♪ you really are a heel >> i love when his heart turns soft. [ laughter ] he has one. here's a story about a mean one whose heart is an empty hole. >> a thief who used the cover of night to steal a family's
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holiday decorations, but unlike whoville, neighborhoods in this texas town have surveillance cameras. good for them. check them out. the thief gives the lawn decorations the once-over, then gets out of his car and steals the inflatable sled, even the snowman. apparently he liked what he got because he loaded it up, came back, this time grabbing an inflatable train set. even santa himself. police are hoping some one recognizes this dude and turns him in. sunny hostin would say a special place in hell for folks who steal christmas decorations. >> let's just give him some coal in that stocking of his. >> yeah. and just like the grinch, someone in oregon is stealing christmas trees. five swiped from an outdoor lot. the first time in 51 years the family owned lot hit by thieves. sadly a significant hit for the owners who say business has been dropping dramatically in the past few years. they say more people are buying their trees at big box stores. christmas trees, if you're going to buy real trees, they're not cheap. >> how much are they?
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>> i paid $65 for a six-foot tree. but you can pay up to like $150, you know, if you want -- i just don't have any room. >> you've got to invest in plastic. store it until next year. >> go to the bronx. >> go to the bronx? thanks, willis. there are still people with christmas spirit to spare, thank goodness. case in point, 84-year-old joyce smith, decorating ever green trees along highways in iowa for more than 20 year. well, she and her husband james have decorated about 60 trees so far this season. joy brings her decorations along wherever she may go. when she went to visit her sister in another town, she stopped along the way to give a few tree as holiday makeover. i would love to see that. nice work. we had to get to this one, another equally important commemoration. >> today is national cookie day. and to celebrate, we've got a few to sample as we like to do
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here. yes, you have yours. famous amos chocolate chip cookie. >> something to chew on. some facts you may not know about cookies. americans eat 2 billion a year. that's about 300 cookies apiece. >> small sweet cakes that are similar to cookies probably originated around inya or persia around the 17th century. >> those are the facts. you always want to feed me. how about we toast and do that. >> why can't i feed you? >> you have a husband.
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breaking right now. is another u.s. drone in enemy hands? >> alarming claims from iran overnight, that it captured an american military drone over the persian gulf. we're live with the latest. this morning, small signs of progress in washington, as republicans send a counteroffer


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